Oregon United Taekwondo Championships

Call Today!
38093 Scravel Hill Rd NE, Albany, OR
We will accept Taegeuk and Kukkiwon Black Belt forms only.
White Belts - T1
Yellow/2nd Yellow/Orange - T1 or T2
Green/2nd Green T3-T4
Blue/2nd Blue T5-T6
Red/2nd Red T7-T8
1st Dan - Koryo
2nd Dan - Keumgang
3rd Dan - Taebaek
4th Dan - Pyongwon
5th Dan - Sipjin
6th Dan - Jitae
7th Dan - Cheonkwon
8th Dan - Hansu
9th Dan - Ilyo
1. Base Points - Each participant always begins with 50 points.
2. The following will complete each participant’s score:
a. Correct Execution of Each Technique (10 points)
i. Posture - correct stances
(For example, is it a correct forward stance - is it too long or too narrow?)
ii. Accuracy of Each Hand Technique – In addition to the technique, setting hands properly for blocks
and strikes, as well as following the correct path and finishing in the correct place
iii. Accuracy of Each Kicking Technique - correct form, height, and power of kick
iv. Speed and Power of Each Individual Technique
b. Taekwondo Spirit (10 points)
i. Kihap – confidence
ii. Attitude and Etiquette – proper respect as soon as the Participant’s name is officially called to
c. Accurate Sequence of Movements (10 points)
i. Correct poomsae based on Participant’s registered rank. If participant performs the wrong
poomsae according to the registered rank (EXAMPLE: 1st Guep performs 1st Dan Poomsae Koryo),
participant will automatically receive a score of 5 for Accurate Sequence of Movements but will
NOT be disqualified.
ii. Correct order of techniques for each poomsae, including correct stances, blocks and
strikes (For example, NOT scoring only if the forward stance was correct, but determining if it was
a forward stance when it was supposed to be a back stance.)
d. Presentation (10 points)
i. Speed/Tempo/Flow
ii. Eye Control - correct direction to “look”, correct eye position as well as where eyes are focused
3. Deductions
i. Participant crosses outside of the 8 meter x 8 meter ring (1 point deduction for each occurrence)
ii. Participant exceeds the 90-second time limit (1 point deduction for every 10 seconds over time
iii. Unsportsmanlike conduct (1 point deduction)
4. Tiebreaker
a. In the event of a tie for 1st place only (If there is a tie for 2nd or 3rd place there will be multiple 2nd and
3rd places awarded) – participants will perform poomsae one additional time. Judges will rescore. If
there is still a tie, there will be two 1st places awarded.
Breaking - Jump Front Kick Only
1. Each participant has a maximum of 30 seconds to attempt to break the board with Running Jumping Front
Snap Kick.
2. Each participant has only one attempt to break the board for each round.
3. Participants may not cover the breaking foot with any bandages, tape or any other material. The referee
must approve any injuries that may need to be covered.
4. The running distance is approximately 6 meters, and the starting board height will be determined by the
5. The order of participants (who breaks first) will be determined by height. The shortest participant will
attempt to break first.
6. Participants must break the board to advance to the next round. Board must be broken by an upward
kicking technique to be considered a successful break.
7. Once the participant passes the designated halfway mark, an attempt is counted upon approach. (For
example, once the participant crosses the designated halfway mark, they may not return to the starting
position to attempt to break again.)
8. After each round, the board height will be raised incrementally at the referee’s discretion.
9. The participant to break the highest board will be declared the winner.
10. In the event of a tie for 1st place only (If there is a tie for 2nd or 3rd place there will be multiple 2nd and
3rd places awarded), the height will be raised until a participant FAILS to break the board. (If all participants
fail to break the board, then 1st place will be awarded to the SHORTEST participant.)
11. Once a participant is determined the 1st place winner the competition is over. The first place winner is NOT
allowed to keep breaking until he or she fails. The ONLY exception is for the age division 18-30, both male
and female, 1st dan and above. Only in these divisions, the 1st place winner will given the opportunity to
attempt to set the World/U.S. Open Taekwondo Hanmadang Record. The participant will receive ONLY
one (1) attempt to set the World/U.S. Open Taekwondo Hanmadang Record.
12. If any part of the body touches the floor besides the feet, it is considered NO BREAK
Official Weight Divisions are as follows: - NOTE - we expect this tournament to be small so it is very likely that we
combine some weight divisions together to fill divisions. Any mixing will be done according to weight, age and belt and
take competitor safety into account first.
All competitors must wear taekwondo uniform, and full gear consisting of World Taekwondo approved equipment: Foot, Shin (or combination foot and shin pad), chest gear, forarm pad helmet and tooth guard. Gloves are also required for black belt, optional for other belts. Males must wear groin protection.
Scoring area is trunk (anywhere chest protector covers the trunk), or head (for those where head shots are allowed).
If using Daedo or other electronic scoring system, points are awarded as follows:
Punch to body = 1 point
Kick to body = 2 points
Kick to head = 3 points
Turning Kicks add 2 additional points (to head or body).
Kicks must be powerful enough to make the electonics score the kick. The threshold will be adjusted accordingly for age and weight.
For each gamjeon (penalty) the competitor NOT comitting the penalty will be awarded 1 point.
The following are gamjeon penalties:
1. Crossing the Boundary Line
A “Gam-jeom” shall be declared when one foot of a contestant crosses the Boundary Line.
No “Gam-jeom” will be declared if a contestant crosses the Boundary Line as a result of a
prohibited act by the opposing contestant.
2. Falling down
“Gam-jeom” shall be declared for falling down. However, if a contestant falls down due to the
opponent’s prohibited acts, “Gam-jeom” penalty shall not be given to the fallen contestant,
while a penalty shall be given to the opponent. If both contestants fall as a result of incidental
collision, no penalty shall be given.
A contestant who falls will be given a “Gam-jeom,” regardless of intention or repeated
actions, except in the following cases:
1. The players collide, without exchanging techniques, and both fall down
2. The players clash shins and both fall down
3. The Referee gives an 8-count to the fallen player
3. Avoiding or delaying the match
1. This act involves stalling with no intention of attacking. A contestant who continuously
displays a non-engaging style shall be given a “Gam-jeom.” If both contestants remain
inactive after five (5) seconds, the center referee will signal the “Fight” command. A
“Gam-jeom” will be declared: On both contestants if there is no activity from them 5
seconds after the command was given; or on the contestant who moved backwards from
the original position 5 seconds after the command was given.
2. Turning the back to avoid the opponent’s attack should be punished as it expresses the
lack of a spirit of fair play and may cause serious injury. The same penalty should also be
given for evading the opponent’s attack by bending below waist level or crouching.
3. Retreating from the technical engagement only to avoid the opponent’s attack and to run
out the clock, “Gam-jeom” shall be given to the passive contestant.
4. “Pretending injury” means exaggerating injury or indicating pain in a body part not
subjected to a blow for the purpose of demonstrating the opponent’s actions as a
violation, and also exaggerating pain for the purpose of elapsing the match time. In this
case, the referee shall give a “Gam-jeom.” However, the referee may request video
review for clarification before declaration of ”Gam-jeom” for pretending injury.
5. “Gam-jeom” may also be given to a competitor who asks the referee to stop the contest
in order to adjust the position/fit of protective equipment. In this case, the referee may
choose to stop, without giving a penalty, or may indicate “fight.”
4. Grabbing or pushing the opponent:
This includes grabbing any part of the opponent’s body, uniform or protective equipment with
the hands. It also includes the act of grabbing the foot or leg or hooking the leg with the
For pushing, the following acts shall be penalized:
1. Pushing the opponent out of the Boundary Line
2. Pushing the opponent in a way that prevents kicking motion or any normal execution of
attacking movement
5. Lifting the knee
Lifting the leg to block, or kicking the opponent’s leg to impede the opponent’s kicking attack,
or lifting a leg or kicking in the air for more than 3 seconds to impede the opponent’s potential
attacking movements, or aiming a kick below the waist.
Lifting the leg or cut kick motion shall not be penalized only when it is followed by execution
of a punching or kicking technique in combination motion.
6. Attacking below the waist:
This action applies to an attack on any part of the body below the waist. When an attack
below the waist is caused by the recipient in the course of an exchange of techniques, no
penalty will be given. This article also applies to strong kicking or stamping actions to any
part of the thigh, knee or shin for the purpose of interfering with the opponent’s technique.
7. Attacking the opponent after “Kal-yeo”:
1. Attacking after “Kal-yeo” requires that the attack result in actual contact to the opponent’s
2. If the attacking motion started before the “Kal-yeo,” the attack shall not be penalized.
3. In Instant Video Replay review, the timing of “Kal-yeo” shall be defined as the moment
that the referee’s “Kal-yeo” hand signal was completed (with fully extended arm); the start
of the attack shall be defined as the moment that the attacking foot is fully off the floor.
4. If an attack after “Kal-yeo” did not land on the opponent’s body but appeared deliberate
and malicious the referee may penalize the behavior with a “Gam-jeom” (misconduct).
8. Hitting the opponent’s head with the hand:
This article includes hitting the opponent’s head with the hand (fist), wrist, arm, or elbow.
However, unavoidable actions due to the opponent’s carelessness such as excessively
lowering the head or carelessly turning the body cannot be punished by this article.
9. Butting or attacking with the knee:
This article relates to an intentional butting with the head or attacking with the knee when in
close proximity to the opponent. However, contact with the knee that happens in the
following situations cannot be punished by this article:
1. When the opponent rushes in abruptly at the moment a kick is being executed
2. Inadvertent contact, or as the result of a discrepancy in distance in attacking
10. Attacking the fallen opponent:
This action is extremely dangerous due to the high probability of injury to the opponent. The
danger arises from the following:
- The fallen opponent is in an immediate defenseless state
- The impact of any technique which strikes a fallen contestant will be greater due to the
contestant’s position.
These types of aggressive actions toward a fallen opponent are not in accordance with the
spirit of Taekwondo and as such are not appropriate to Taekwondo competition. In this
regard, penalties should be given for intentionally attacking the fallen opponent regardless of
the degree of impact.
1. In the event the winner cannot be decided after 3 rounds, a 4th “Golden Point” round will be
conducted. The duration of this round shall be one minute.
2. If a contest advances to a Golden Point round, all scores awarded during the first three rounds
shall be void.
3. The first contestant to score a two (2) point, or whose opponent receives two “Gam-jeoms” in the
Golden Round shall be declared the winner.
4. In the event that neither contestant has scored two points after completion the Golden Round,
the winner shall be decided by superiority based the following criteria:
4.1 The contestant who received a point by a punch in the Golden Round
4.2 If neither contestant received a point by a punch, or if both contestants each received a
point by a punch in the Golden Round, the contestant who received a higher number of hits
registered by the PSS during the Golden round
4.3 If the number of hits registered by the PSS is tied, the contestant who won more rounds in
the first three rounds
4.4 If the number of rounds won is tied, the contestant who received fewer “Gam-jeom”
penalties during all four rounds
4.5 If the three above criteria are the same, the referee and judges shall determine superiority
based on the content of the Golden Round. If the superiority decision is tied among the
referee and judges, the referee shall decide the winner.
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